Wednesday, August 31, 2005
Tuesday, August 30, 2005
My Last Week
Hehe, I'm going to Me'ah She'arim next Friday...
Monday, August 29, 2005
Going To Me'ah She'arim
Holy mother I'm going to be in Me'ah She'arim next Friday...
Wednesday, August 24, 2005
Gone Fishin'
At around 5, we docked to drop off the second family, and went back out to the water to fillet the 2nd batch of fish. On the way out, we were looking at all the people there who were fishing on shore, and Mr E yelled out to this aging black dude, "You want a fish?" So he said yes, and he got close and I threw it to him. I didn't understand it, until a few minutes later he said, "You know, it's sad, some people are actually fishing for their food. Sometimes they don't catch anything."
Got me thinking a little bit. I'm not sure what exactly, it was all jumble. Stuff like, it's sad, that these days, when it's sooo easy to get food, some people have to go fishing for their food. I don't know, some people may enjoy it, I love fishing, but it would scare me have to do that. What if I don't catch anything?
It's a harsh world...but then, there are these amazing people like Mr E, who will give you a fish. BH for people like him.
Tuesday, August 23, 2005
Up The Ladder
Don't waste any of your life. It could be taken away if you're not careful with it...
Sunday, August 21, 2005
How About The Jewish Childrens' Fund?
I would hope that the feeling one gets after saving a kid's life is much higher than when one hears a song...
Friday, August 19, 2005
Thanks Mr B.
I urge you all to read it.
Uh, How 'Bout The Oranges?
Uh, how about the oranges....?
Thursday, August 18, 2005
Tuesday, August 16, 2005
More Tzarus
By Hillel Fendel
Police in Gush Katif swooped down on youths in the middle of the night, including a Katif resident, and stranded them outside Katif. At least one of them had no shoes or money; another is aged 12.
The group of 11 youths, including a boy aged only 12, were talking to soldiers peacefully outside the community of Gadid, in Gush Katif, at approximately 2:30 AM. A force of Border Guard police fell upon them, grabbed them up, and threw them onto a bus. They took them to a dark junction outside Gush Katif, and stranded them there to fend for themselves - at 3 o'clock in the morning.
One of them, Aryeh, told his story to Arutz-7: "I had no shoes, and they just left me there. It took me four hours to hitch-hike my way home to Hashmonaim [near Modiin]."
Oh Lord just stop this please. Now You have to, I said please...
Schimmelism Of The Week XXI
Tonny: And succeeding, unlinke you, Lesser.
Monday, August 15, 2005
Sunday, August 14, 2005
Eichah 5:2
"Nachalaseinu nehefichah l'zarim, bateinu l'nachrim."
"Our inheretance has been turned over to strangers; our houses to foreigners."
Saturday, August 13, 2005
Friday, August 12, 2005
"[Beltran] Caught The Ball! He Brought It Back!"
Beltran robs Molina
Taguchi robs Aurillia
Jones leaping grab (ok, so it doesn't save a hr, but it's the same idea)
Hunter robs Inge
Ford robs Millar (anyone wondering why I have the whole Minnesota outfield here?)
Finley taking one from Mauer
Palmeiro robs Dunn
Swisher taking a HR away
Kielty from Matthews Jr
I must say, in person, they look sooo much better. on July 31, 2001, I was at the Reds-Dodgers game in LA, and Jr Griffey robbed Shawn Green of a homerun, and let me tell you, it was the most beautiful thing I have ever seen in my entire life. He just went up there and said, I don't think so, Shawn.
I'm try to find (but to no avail) Brian Giles catch in 2003, I remember it was against Cleveland (or maybe Philladelphia...?). That seriously is the best play I have ever seen.
Reelin' From The Highlight Reel
So, what do you think? Which one is better? I personally, of course, like Wright's better.
God, I HATE stupid Yankee fans (and because most of them are frontrunners, most of them are stupid).
Lord save us please.
The Real "The Catch"
No Hands? Yeah Wright
If that doesn't work, go here, go to Aug 9, and watch that video clip.
Wednesday, August 10, 2005
Holy Mother Of God (Like He Has A Mother...?)
Abba's a little worried though, because I don't have my Israeli passport yet. He just sent in the application today (we only got word today that I can), and he's a little worried it won't come in time. Tali's didn't, and the other thing they needed to do before my passport, took longer than the two weeks they said it should. I asked what if it's not here by Sept 5, when my flight is?
Abba: Then we have a problem.
Tuesday, August 09, 2005
Friday, August 05, 2005
Wednesday, August 03, 2005
Only Recommended, Eh?
Next, in it they had the new dress code. It got stricter, including uniforms, but one thing got me. The last thing in the boys' section said, "It is recommended that boys wear tzitzis, at least for davening."
Is it my imagination, or does the Gemara not say, wear tzitzis. WHAT THE HELL?! I could've sworn that the Lord didn't just recommend to wear tzitzis, but yet, we have to. I'm lost here...ok fine, so we don't have to wear a 4-cornered garment in order to just wear tzitzis, you're right. But you know what the Gemara says after that? It says Oy to the dude who doesn't wear tzitzis when he is able to. He won't get punished for it per se, but if he does an aveirah, then he'll get punished more because he's not wearing tzitzis. I guess it's like pouring the gas on the fire.
My almamatar going to hell, my friends. Farewell, dear Hillel.
Tuesday, August 02, 2005
The God Zone
She said that she is sure that had she not have woken up when she didn't have to to watch kids for her mom, help her friend who was incapacitated, the break-in would not have ended how it did--she might have been hurt and stuff would have been stolen.
You never know how The Lord will pay you back for what you do. It might save your life, it might kill you ch"v. Only you can decide.
I hope to God we all make the right decision.
Change Of Fate
Schimmelism Of The Week XX
Wow, I haven't done this in a long time. I apologize for that (to whomever who reads my blog actually like SOT"W), just things have been going on, and laziness and all that. Here are a few to make up for some of the time I've missed:
(as I've said before, they're not necessarily from R' Schimmel)
Mosko: Where does the Vice President live?
Mr D: In Vice-President Land, which is right next to Candyland.
Raffi: That's a fat wallet Rabbi.
Rabbi S: It's not a wallet, it's an apartment.
Rabbi S: When I was in the public school system, a long long time ago, when I was in grade school...Leibo: When dinosaurs roamed the Earth?
He would show them naked pictures of ladies...but pictures don't wear clothes.
Coby: Why is it that those are the first 3 things you think of? Eating, drinking, & sexing?
Kook: What do you think of the dead pope?
Rabbi S: He shouldn't continue in office.
Gross be quiet you are no longer valued.
The cerebrum is divided into sections, sometimes called sections.
Yeamans: How did you get that booboo on your head Rabbi?
Rabbi S: My booboo-repressing agent wasn't working that day.
I hope y'all liked those. I know I did. Oh boy, I love Rabbi Schimmel.