Monday, January 02, 2006

The Yanks Do It Again

I wanted to post this back around December 23, but I didn't have time to write it all, and I saved it as a draft, and just totally forgot about it. Well, here is it:

Yup, they think they get another top free agent, Johnny Damon for 4 years, $52 million. Great pick up, right? Well, here's my prediction:

He might be good for a little of the time he is on the Yankees. Maybe. But overall, he qill be quite bad, and in the 1 1/2 - 2 1/2 year range (maybe 3 years also) the Yankees will trade him to the Mets. Either he will be back to his oldself (really really good leadoff hitter), or really really bad.

Obviously those are the either/ors, but like, think about it: He could be really good, because he'd be leaving the Yankees. But then he could also be really bad because he'd be coming to the Mets. He'd be around 35, 36 then, and he'd be old and washed up (I hope not, but you know), and of course even all non-washed up players the Mets get are bad (well, not all, but a LOT, like Burnitz, Alomar to name a few), so Johnny would be too.

We'll just have to wait and see, won't we...?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

(Saberhagen Viola, to name a couple more...)

Tue Jan 03, 06:00:00 PM 2006  

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