Friday, December 16, 2005

Random Schimmelism

Tonight, R' Nosson Slifkin (yes, the R Slifkin who has 3 books in cheirem) came to us about Zoo Torah. He's a zoologist, so he spoke to us about the Torah and animals and the relationship and all that; identifying the animals mentioned in the Torah, etc. It was really cool. He told us that a nesher is not the eagle, but rather the griffen vulture; the tzvi is not the deer, but in fact the gazelle. In Europe, when they were translating the Tanach, they didn't have gazelles there, they didn't have the griffen vulture (all animals in Tanach are near or in Eretz Yisrael), so they translated it as close as possible. Chazal say that the tzvi doesn't have antlers, which deer CLEARLY do.
Anyway, a Schimmelism from R Slifkin (well, from the shiur at least):

R Slifkin: So what's Iyyov about? He's God's man, He's great God loves him. Then the Satan says to him, he's only good to you because he's powerful, he's rich, he has a big family. Let's see how he does when he doesn't have that. So God says, alright. So eventually Iyyov turns to God and says, "Why did you do this to me?!"
Sam: "Because I had $100 on you Iyyov!"


*Avi was recording the shiur on his digital recorder*
Roth: Rabbi, what's with those cheirem's (bans) on your books?
R Slifkin: Is this thing still on?

Ok maybe not as funny. Whatever.

R Slifkin's awesome!


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