Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Jews Are Crazy

We really are. Yesterday during Rambam class with Rabbi Wolicki, we were learning what the Rambam says abuot false prophets. One aspect we spoke about for a while was what if the prophet says something, but it's not against the Torah. For example, the prophet says, "Follow the Torah, and next Wednesday, all Jews have to eat peanut butter and jelly sandwiches at 1103." After talking about the halachic ramifications, Jordan goes, "that would suck. I mean, not, because I like pb & j. I'd give them out on the highway."

Rabbi W: "Excuse me, have you had your pb & j yet?" "Or tefillin?" Jordan, you could be chabad. They would go crazy with it, they would build a huge pb & j sandwich, and put it right everywhere, to publicize the pb & j. The Briskers would have fun with this. They'd go, 'Uh (the yeshivishe uh, like, "Uh! What does Rashi say?), so it must be that the amount of pb and the amount of j have to be equal, because if one was a little bit more, then it wouldn't be a pb & j, just either pb, or j. So they'd be sitting there with their weights, measuring trying to get exactly the same amounts.
Tonny: So Rabbi, 2 questions: 1, what about the stuff that's left on the knife?
Rabbi W: No, it's ok, because it's a very small amount anyway.
Tonny: Ok, so then which is more mehadrin, creamy, or crunchy?
Rabbi W: Uh, ok, well you could say both sides: Creamy, because the nuts take away from the butter, and the shiur of nuts/butter can be questionable. And crunchy, because it's peanut butter. It's nothing without the peanuts.

I definately forgot some lines, but that was the ikkar (main part) of it.

I love Jews.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

So, low-calorie pb would be conservative pb? And "No Sugar Added" pb would be reform pb? Then, of course, we'd need pb&j outreach, to show people the beauty and spirituality of real, full-calorie, full-sugar pb&j.

Wed Nov 30, 05:40:00 PM 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I lost your emial address. plz email me @ Sorry for inturrupting your blogs beauty with such mundaneness.

Thu Dec 01, 11:38:00 PM 2005  

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