Breishis 33:4
"Vayaratz Eisav likraso vayichabikeihu, vayyipol al tzavarav vayyishakeihu (in the Torah, there are dots over each letter in this word), vayyivku."
"And Esav ran to meet him {Ya'akov], and embraced him, and fell on his neck, and kissed him; and they wept."
Rashi on the word "vayyishakeihu:"
Rav Shim'on bar Yochai said: It is a well known tradition that Esav hates Ya'akov, but his compassion was moved at that time, and he kissed him wholeheartedly.
Only at that time his compassion was moved. Esav still hates us.
Esav turned into Rome. Rome turned into America...
Is it any wonder why everyone wants to make aliyyah? Why we should make aliyyah?? The non Jews don't like us. Maybe, maybe, maybe individuals, but as a whole, they hate us. You know what it says in the introduction to a mishnayyos printed in Germany in the early 1900's? In Maseches (tractate) Avodah Zarah, the rabbis have this understanding that the non Jews want to kill us usually. So the introduction says that even though the rabbis said it, it would never happen today.
A Rav from the Mevaseret kollel who was in the holocaust has this mishnayyos, and can show it to you. They felt that the German wouldn't hurt us at all. And then we all know what happened. All exiles have ended in Jewish persecution, why wouldn't this one? They say histoy repeats itself, right...?
"And Esav ran to meet him {Ya'akov], and embraced him, and fell on his neck, and kissed him; and they wept."
Rashi on the word "vayyishakeihu:"
Rav Shim'on bar Yochai said: It is a well known tradition that Esav hates Ya'akov, but his compassion was moved at that time, and he kissed him wholeheartedly.
Only at that time his compassion was moved. Esav still hates us.
Esav turned into Rome. Rome turned into America...
Is it any wonder why everyone wants to make aliyyah? Why we should make aliyyah?? The non Jews don't like us. Maybe, maybe, maybe individuals, but as a whole, they hate us. You know what it says in the introduction to a mishnayyos printed in Germany in the early 1900's? In Maseches (tractate) Avodah Zarah, the rabbis have this understanding that the non Jews want to kill us usually. So the introduction says that even though the rabbis said it, it would never happen today.
A Rav from the Mevaseret kollel who was in the holocaust has this mishnayyos, and can show it to you. They felt that the German wouldn't hurt us at all. And then we all know what happened. All exiles have ended in Jewish persecution, why wouldn't this one? They say histoy repeats itself, right...?
Thank your for warning of imminent danger I am facing in the US. Boy I bet tommorow they start building gas chambers in Brooklyn!
tonny- a little scary, but not the first time i've heard this theory. i hope i can join you in e"y!!!
anonymous- chas v'sholom! don't say such a thing! you shouldn't dismiss something off the bat because the threat is not immediately and easily visible. often times things are right in front of us, and we are simply unable to see them.
anonymous...anytime, thats why im here.
although i dont think they'll build gas chamebrs...society is more of a "shoot 'em up" type crowd these days...
and next time you want to criticize me, have the guts to put your name down. punk.
tnspr...quite scary, but just look at it. every single time it was amazing for the jews, and then it got shot to hell. i would hope it doesnt happen, but when you look at that, its kinda hard to believe it wont.
Tonny, i think you're being a little cynnical here. True - this is something that was said in Germany in the 1900's... but this time we have a ffew tricks up our sleeve. One - we are ever closer to the time when Mashiach will come. Two - These days we realize *as a whole* the E"Y is our homeland, and not East Berlin, as we did *as a whole* in the 18-1900's. Three - the U.S. government has a system of checks and balances that cannot aloow this to happen without another faction having a problem with it. True, "ceteris parabis" ("all circumstances being equal"), it CAN happen... but it never will due to the following 1)media available to us/the world, 2)the presence of a Jewish Nation, 3), people with vested[commercial] interests in Judaism/Israel as a whole. They would never allow it to happen, since they are worth a lot of money for both the U.S. and Israel. Many companies, Microsoft & Intel included, have a serious presence in the middle east, and the extermination of Jews would be seriously bad for business. Three - America holds a poor view in the eyes of the rest of the world. If "Big Brother" were to do something other countries have done in the past, they would all point their theoretical fingers and say "I told you so", or "Hey, i guess we can do that, too". For a country that is trying to win over the rest of the world, it would be bad for business. These are just the practical reasons why it won't happen. i think i can list a few more "Jewish" ones for you, if you wish. The first being that we're not totally integrated into American society... yet. The 2nd is that or every statistic we see or hear about intermarriage, divorce, loss of faith, etcetera, those figures are all vague, and old. Those figures are ALWAYS a few years old, and therefore out of date. i can tell you that for every one divorce in any other big Jewish community, there is one convert or chozer bi'tshuva here in Albany. i know of many chozrim in the past few years here, and currently and friends with about a minyan of converts. So there.
I don't think the increase in olim is because of America's hatred of Jews.
I think it's that Jews are realizing their connection with E"Y.
Jewish American's are often misunderstood. They are seen as equals, when Jews are different. We have the same basic values- treat others nicely, don't kill ect... but we preform our devotion to G-D in an entierely different way. This is what peopl misunderstand about us. The fact that while we value what they value, we practice life differently. We must teach understanding to the world of different ways of life. G-D willing, with Moshiach here soon this will become more evident to the world. Until then, we must each do our part in spreading understanding of our culture.
This, Tonny, is my goal in my lifetime- to educate people on the differences of cultures.
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