Friday, December 16, 2005

Mashi'ach Is Here...Almost

Mishnayos Sotah 9:15:

" Be'ikvos meshicha, chutzpah'arim p'nei zekeinim yalbinu...--In the steps of Mashi'ach, chutzpah (disrespect) will increase...young kids will shame their elders..."

6. Students Expelled From School System for Classroom Violence
By Hillel Fendel

Four 10th grade students who beat up a substitute teacher in a Be'er Sheva high school have been thrown out of the school system altogether, by order of the city's Deputy Mayor.

The incident occurred on Tuesday, when a young English teacher from the nearby Negev University commented to one of the four that he should consider studying more intensively. The boy, a 10th-grader, began hitting the teacher. While the latter was defending himself against the onslaught, another three students began hitting and punching him as well. The victim was finally rescued by other teachers.

I guess this is a bracha incognito...?

And is it a coincidince that the picture they show is a black fist...?


Blogger Dani B. said...

We must all do our part and be more chutzpadick to our elders! Why do they always tell us as kids that we bring moshiach through mitzvot? Being chutzpadick is so much easier and fun too!

have a good shabbos.

Fri Dec 16, 08:03:00 PM 2005  
Blogger Dani B. said...

P.S. the fist in the arutz sheva article isn't black. It's your typical israeli skin tone.

Fri Dec 16, 08:04:00 PM 2005  
Blogger Karban Nesanel said...

great question, why indeed...?

Sat Dec 17, 06:22:00 PM 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Black Fist? i don't see a black fist. i see a fist, and as a lead-in picture for a news article, i think it's inappropriate. Tonny, you might not realize, but i don't have our parent's skin tone. When there, my skin gets almost that dark, and it wouldn't surprise me if you did, too. That looks more like the typical dark Israeli skin. Black... so you're a rascist now, too. That comment of yours carries a heavy hand, and can be read many ways. The first underlying emotion that caught my ecumenical and philosophical eye was the one that said, "Black kids, regardles of religion, are prone to violence, so it's expected." Notice, Tonny, that the article makes no mention of the skin color or religion of the students. And don't listen to anything that anyone might say to you about who did it. Unless you saw it with your own eyes, you can't make a judgement. Even if they show you a video of it - who acn't fake a video, or a time/date stamp these days? You didn't see it, so you have no place to comment. Simple as that. i take nothing for granted, and everything i hear i take with a grain of salt. It comes down to verification. There is none, so don't comment.

Tue Dec 20, 05:26:00 AM 2005  
Blogger Karban Nesanel said...

raanan...first off raanan, everyone is racist (not like being racist in all cases is a bad thing, sometimes its good). and second of all, you're right i probably i shouldnt have said anything, and i know that a lot of israelis look like that (i mean, dude, i AM here now, youd think id figure that out by now. heck we have some like that in yeshiva), but it looks quite quite black i must say. and no, not all black ppl are prone to violence. actually, all black ppl are but then again, all ppl are. just some ppl (and the fact that skin color predicts that is most likely NOT the case) can control it better. i mean, gosh sakes, i obviously cant, im learning shechita. and the religion in the article is mostl ikely jewish i assume. i mean, it IS in israel and the majority of ppl in this country (BHYY) for now are jews. whether chiloni or not theyre still jews.

dude, i love you, but calm down.

Wed Dec 21, 02:03:00 PM 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

dude tonny in your attempt to defend youself you made youself look worse.... you arent racist, the fist doesnt look black, it was not an innapropriate lead in to a news story, you and rannan are both ridiculous. i love you anyway.

Thu Dec 22, 03:42:00 PM 2005  

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