Long Time No Update
I know I haven't really updated in a while, but I don't have time at yeshiva for any big updates anymore. We only have internet now during lunch for 2 hours, and that's it. But really there hasn't been much going on. Yeshiva, learning, almost in the army, that stuff. A few shabbosim ago, I went to the Solomonts, then to Tuvia's yeshiva, next one to Tzfas, then UYO was this past shabbos. My birthday was on Friday; thank you all for all the birthday wishes. At UYO, I had seen all the food for shabbos, but not the birthday cake that Adina had the idea to get, and that Sarah Beth actually bought. Thank you Sarah Beth. And Adina. Thank you both.
I just can't wait for baseball. Let's go Mets. It's going to be the first year in 5 years that I will not be in a fantasy league. Gonna be kinda busy. ...sigh...
Anyway, laila tov everybody. I wonder if I still have readers...
I just can't wait for baseball. Let's go Mets. It's going to be the first year in 5 years that I will not be in a fantasy league. Gonna be kinda busy. ...sigh...
Anyway, laila tov everybody. I wonder if I still have readers...