Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Rosh HaShana In EY

Well, it's over at least. We're waiting for the pizza to come, it's supposed to come between 2130 - 2140. It's 2201 now. Whatever.

Before yomtov I was talking to Gila, and we were saying how we weren't really ready for Rosh HaShana, and even though like I said I had those night slichos, I wasn't completely ready. Well, R Kwass spoke today, and talked about that. He said it's like a mashal (parable), you're working on a project (building the basketball hoop), you were on it all day, 600 - 1800 everyday. Mom comes out, "Honey, you ready?" "No mom, I need probably another day." "No not the hoop, the wedding." "What wedding?" "Your cousin Jonny's wedding." "Oh no, I comepletely forgot!" He's your favorite cousin, you have to take a shower, change, you think, how am I going to get into this wedding? I don't know if I'll be able to. But you get there, you hear the music, give him a mazal tov hug, and you're like, hey, I'm in it now, I got it. Rosh HaShana is the same thing, most people aren't ready, but it starts, the "ay-ay-ays" from the Yamim Noraim tune, bowing for Aleinu, hearing the shofar, and we're into it. We shouldn't worry. We're in it now, let's make the most of it.

Yeah, R Kwass is great.

Yesterday, I was ragging on Rabbi W for putting the accent on the wrong syllable on a word during Torah reading, and he says to Rabbi Hirschberg," Rabbi, Tonny's such a daikan ("details, details, details" type of guy)." "So why isn't Tonny reading the Torah?" At which point I go, "Oh Rabbi, BAM!" I wanted to do something this yomtov, and I'd keep asking to do stuff, but jokingly, and Rabbi said, "let me think about it....No." "You're mean Rabbi..." Whatever, it's cool. I'm gabbai, so at least I get to to do something.

Waiting for the pizza, just waiting for the pizza...


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