Tuesday, November 14, 2006

It's Wedding Time!

No, not for me. Not yet (BE"H) at least. Yesterday there was a wedding at yeshiva at 845 am.

You see, my Rosh Yeshiva, Rav Chaim Druckman, is the head of giyyor (conversion) for all of Israel, thus the beis din is here at yeshiva. They haven't really done anything in around a year and a half (the chareidim don't agree with R' Aviyor's (the head of this beis din) opinion on geirus, so somehow they've managed to stop it), but 2 years ago, they would hold weddings here all the time of people who were living together, but not Jewish, Now they're Jewish, they need to be married according to the Torah, so we'd have a quick wedding and zehu. Yesterday we had one of those.

Ezra, who helps R' Aviyor with things like this, got a minyan, had the chuppah, the chassan and kallah brought the food--prtetzels, nishnushim, cookies, drinks--and it was great. In total there were maybe 20 - 25 guys, 2 guys on recorder, 1 on guitar. We danced a little, shmoozed, and of course ate.

Zack: This literally is a $14 wedding.

May have been. But it was the best $14 wedding I've ever been to.


Blogger Bracha said...

ha thats awesome.

I'm looking at NBN/alyiah papers..hope I won't have a hard time with getting listed as Jewish with my mothers history and my conversion with Rav Karelitz... Rabbnut..too much politics...WHY?!?

2 days!!!

Tue Nov 14, 12:34:00 PM 2006  

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