Thursday, October 26, 2006

Back At Zanoach

No, don't worry, just here for tonight -- I need to get some stuff, and I'm on my way to Efrat. I got a ride from a guy in the Ohr Etziyyon who actually lives in Efrat (but I needed to come back to Yesodei) and he dropped me off, he said, "everyone who goes here go to Beit Shemesh." So I started walking, 10 seconds later a car comes, flag it down, and he brings me right to the path to go to Zanoach. And I might get a free ride to Yerushalayim tomorrow too...

Ohr Etziyyon is really good. One thing I love: Ovadyah, a shiur vav guy (6th year), BLASTS Jewish Music in the morning. I love it. Wake up to Shwekey, its' chill. You don't get that everywhere.

I feel my hebrew improving. It's still a little hard, but I'm getting there. I speak Ivrit most of the day--although surprisingly there are a lot of English speakers there (a lot of guys who are sons of those who made aliyyah, or made aliyyah when they were young)--all my chavrusos are in Ivrit. All my roomates are Israeli. There's an American from MTA actually, it's pretty cool.

Food's ok. Breakfast isn't god at all. I have tomatoes everyday for breakfast, that's it. Lunch and dinner isn't so bad. Oily.

There's shiur in here, so I'm going to bounce. Email me. Call me. Whatever you want.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Breakfast isn't god at all."
an incredible break breakthrough but you might need a few more yrs in yeshiva.
"all my chavrusos are in Ivrit"
pick a nusach man! cant do both. whos the MTA guy? good shabbos!

Fri Oct 27, 02:56:00 AM 2006  
Blogger Special Ed said...

i love seeing two foreigners argue over the proper way to speak english. it's classicly funny

Tue Oct 31, 07:06:00 AM 2006  

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