Old City Shabbaton
As the title implies, we had an shabbaton in the Old City this Shabbos. We stayed at Netiv Aryeh, in their dorms. It was cool going to sleep, waking up, and I was right there, right where the Beis HaMikdash was not even 2000 years ago...
Friday night we davened at the Kotel, and Avi told me he didn't want to do Kabbalas Shabbos--it was too noisy. So I did it. It was great, so fun. I did Carlebach, as was wanted by the guys, and lotsa people joined. But in order to get everyone to hear, I had to go louder, but the only way I was able to do that was go up a note (at least I think that's what I did). I was worried I wouldn't be able to reach the notes, but BH, I was able to reach, and if I do say so myself, quite nice. After Lecha Dodi, we were dancing for like, 10 minutes about. As R' Lipman mentioned at Shaloshudes, Jews from all walks joined us, from American Yeshivish, to American Mordern Orthodox, to Israeli Chiloni, Chayyal, Chassidim, Chareidim, Israeli Yeshivish. It was awesome, such achdus.
After the eating, Jaunty (he's back! Woo!) went with us to Mei'ah She'arim to go tisch hopping. We went to Slonim and Toldos Aharon. As someone who loves tischen (pl.), I must say, it was quite shvach. At Slonim, all the niggunim (tunes) just weren't. Well, they were niggunim, but they weren't musical, they were like Rosh HaShana-Yom Kippur niggunim, and weren't nice at all. Then we got to the last one which was musical, kind of fast, and it was great--but then the other guys wanted to go. Then we went to Toldos Aharon where, also, wasn't so good. The Rebbe was making Qiddush. It was around 1145 at night. He finished Qiddush at around 12, and then washed, made HaMotzi, and then had some fish, and they sang Kol Mekadeish, but also, it wasn't so musical, it was just like, kind of saying it with a tune, but not singing. Daniel and I left at 1230, after everyone else had left earlier at around 12. I guess it was just one of those Shabbosim.
We davened Shachris at Menachem Tziyyon, across from the Menorah (from the Temple Institute) in the Cardo, had a small tour around the Jewish Quarter from Jaunty, and lunch. At 430, we had our tour of the Muslim Quarter...
I must say, it was amazing, it was beautiful. Arabs all around, a few Jews here and there (70 families we're told), 5 or 6 yeshivos (no, we didn't go around the whole thing, the the part near the Kotel). It was dirty, garbage all over the place, people living on top of each other. The yeshiva Ateres Kohanim, it was soo nice--it was cramped, barely any room to move for 150 guys. Arabs all over Yerushalayim. Wonderful, I don't think it can get better. And you know what the best part was? Wow, this was amazing. while we were looking through the "Iron" Gate (a wooden green door at an entrance to Har HaBayyis (Temple Mount)) onto Har HaBayyis, just even to take a look to what it looks like, to see where the Beis HaMikdash used to be, the Kedusha that was once there, and, still is a bit, 1 man and 3 women just casually walk right in, right in front of us, on to Har HaBayyis. Just, straight through, the police not stopping them, just walking through. I thought to myself, wow, I'm so glad I'm here, I get to see Arabs walking on the holiest palce on Earth.
And the best part is: Whenever we look at Har HaBayyis, we see this gold, glaring reminder that we don't have it. It's there, just sticking out from the middle, as ugly as ever (waking up at 1615 from my Shabbos nap to the Arabs "davening Mincha" (lehavdil alfei alafos) was especially great).
For those of you who couldn't tell, there's a puddle here right next to the computer, from all sarcasm that was just dripping from that last two paragraphs.
Arabs, who hate us more than Red Sox and Yankees fans hate each other, living in our Holy City. Not to mention that somehow, the Muslim "Quater" is the biggest quater of the city (leave it to the British to screw something like that up). Baruch HaShem, there are 70 Jewish families who live there, 6 yeshivos there. The security is actually quite good--all throughout the tour, there were police here and threre, undercover police to escort those who wanted; we saw Jews walking back and forth, chassidim, yeshiva guys, women with kids. It was nice, it's quite safe, but garbage all over the place, so cramped, graffiti everywhere; it smelled like hash (not like I know what that is or anything....). It is true what the Gemara says, the closer you get to the Beis HaMikdash, the more desecrated it got. It was terrible.
How'd it get like this? We weren't keeping the Torah. That's why the Beis HaMikdash was destroyed, twice (the first because of the big 3: immorality, murder, idol worhip; the second, because of hatred of fellow Jews). If we just keep the Torah like we are supposed to, and be menschen (pl. of mensch), the Arabs will not be there anymore, we will have the Beis HaMikdash, Maschiach will be here. R' Lipman mentioned that everyone is involdved somewhat in kiruv, not just people who work in it. If one is acts nicely towards everyone, says hi to people in the street, that in itself is a way of kiruv. There are many stories of great rabbanim who are remembered by these random people because they said "good morning" to them everyday, or something like that. So simple.
Yes, there are many Jews who aren't keeping the Torah. Most of them are under the category of tinnok shenishbah-a baby that was captured. In that case, the baby isn't really at fault, because, it was captured as a baby, what does the baby know? Most of the people like that we have today, are considered t"sh because that's how they grew up, with no Torah around them; it wasn't there fault. Yes, work needs to be done to bring them back, but you never know what a simple "hi" can do.
Well, I didn't expect this post to go there necessarily, but like, we just gotta keep the Torah. And yes, I'm talking to myself too, don't worry.
Please God, soon, we will be zoche to have Yerushalayim all to ourselves, with Maschiach sitting on his throne, and Har HaBayyis in our hands once again, with the Beis HaMIkdash on it.
PS - Avishai.
There, I menioned you.
Shame on you Tonny!
Here you are describing a beautiful Shabbos in the holiest place on earth and you destroy the decrition with words of hatred.
Did the Arabs hurt you? insult you? make silly faces at you? Did all of Israels Arabs come to one spot just to single you out and say what they dont like about you beign there? No.
So why do yuo group all of a very diverse people together and treat them with scorn?
Just as all Jews do not believe the same things in terms of Torah, culture, history, politics, or social issues, neither do Muslims/Arabs.
Maybe the reason we lost the Beit HaMikdash is because people like you were looking for the negative in others insead of the positive.
I actually didnt see the sarcasm in it at first, but I had a feeling it was there.
I would have to agree with Rebecca to a degree- we have to bring not only our fellow Jews back, but in the process show the rest of the world how righteous our cause is and that we, as Jews, are not there to harm but help grow. We need not be selfish for the Jewish cause alone- We need to support all causes(equally? thats another question)
Harold Grinspoon, you may have heard of him, recieved an honorary Docotrates from my college yesterday. People like him are what we need to bring our people back to Torah and bridge knowledge.
BTW- the word verification reminds me of something Jewish...not sure why...
maybe im just crazy.
Funny - you mention the "two separate, yet equally important groups" of causes for the fall of both of the B"hM. Bracha, you seem to have it right (BTW, i'm T's older brother... i used to think along these lines, but then i grew up) about being a light forthe other nations. Tonny, you also seem to have it right when you say that there are many stories of people remembering rabbis who opny said "Good morning" to them. In any event, having expereinced more of the good and the bad when it comes to Arabs, and not just Muslims, i can impart a bit of brotherly advice. It flows like this; We are supposed to be the Chosen People. In once place, we are mentioned as "A Diamond in the Rough". In another place, we are called "A Light Among the Nations" Not to say that being a 'nice-guy' or a 'goody-two-shoes' will bring Mashiach, but it helps. We can be better than those who leer, jeer, and try to scare us. By showing them we are not afraid, and that we are better than those idiotic, childish games, we can show *EVERYONE* what it means to be a Jew, no, a *PERSON*. Arabs, whether secular, religious, Sunni, Shiite, Israeli, or Christain, they all share differnet opinions. True, Ya'akov and Eisav never really made shalom, there was un understanding between them. Ya'akov never hated his brother... maybe we should take a cue from him. Avraham Avinu never hated his own flesh and blood, Yishmael. If he had hated him, he would have killed him, not sent him away. In that vain, we should take a cue from *HIM*. According to that logic, in the extreme form, we should leave them alone, or leave them somewhere else, but the "etzem" would be to *leave* *them* *alone*. As i said, being a nice guy won't do it, but at least it'll help.
On that note, being aware of your surroundings, and doing the little things for the people and world around you, you will evetually open your eyes to a new view on life. If you treat everyone with shalom, you will get it, for the most part, in return. People will remember you for that. Haven't i told you about the gemara that asks what certain rabbis did to live a long life? One said, "i always gave tzedaka". Another said, "i always answered Amen". Another gave a different answer. The key to that whole aggadta is "Tamid" - they found something, and stuck to it. The did it all the time *ALWAYS* gave tzedaka. *ALWAYS* answered Amen. Get the picture? i found that the answer of 'tamid' comes when you open your eyes to the world around you, and start looking at it through the eyes of a ba'al chesed. Someone mentioned to me not last week that they know that i'm the guy who will bend over backwards to make sure people have food, whether it's for ani'yim, the shul kiddush, Shul Bingo, or Pizza night. Someone saw me at a BBQ for Chabad - i was behind the grillfor 3 hours. Someone saw me and said "figures". They were kidding, because i saw the smile on their face. i don't know that person's name, where they daven, but at least i've left an impression that i do something good - "Tamid".
i think i'm getting away from myself here. In any event, look through your eyes with Shalom v'Shalva, and you'll see that if we are to be a light among the nations, and a diamond in the rough, people might see that we're no perfect, but that we're trying. And if we can show them the proper derech, or proper derech eretz, we might make an impact.
- - - - - Ra'anan
To Etzem, whoever you are. Don't insult my eishet chayil in such a manner... she has more love in her heart than most people have in their entire lives. She's shown me the derech of looking at both sides of the story. Obviously, being way too judgemental, you don't, or can't, do that. My wife is no liberal, no conservative, not uninformed, and not a fool. Yes, she is optimistic. There is no harm in that. Oh, and yes, she is quite realistic. As for Tonny and me, we know a bit more about this than you. Actually, me and my mother more then Tonny. My mother survived 5 wars growing up in Israel. i spent a chunk of my childhood there. i spent a year in yeshiva there. i survived a terrorist attack. So don't spew trash about people you've never even met until you've walked a mile in their shoes. Many people who have experiences like mine share my views. Not all, but some. So shut your trap until you've shared some more worldy expereinces.
- - - - - - Ra'anan
To Etzem, one more thing... let me add one more thing. To quote you;
"You're lucky you're nowhere near them, cuz knowing your type, you'd probly try to go eat dinner with them and they'd rape you andmutilate your body. Just to quote you one last time:
Shame on you Tonny!
-NO, Shame on YOU. It's people like you who kept us from kicking the dumb Arabs out of our rightful homeland. Get the picture now? "
Let me show you a picture: IT'S BECAUSE OF YOUR VERY COMMENT THAT WE LOST BAYIT SHEINI. Sin'at Chinam, ring a bell? My wife and both agree that you can have your views, and can express them. But to call other Yiddin names because of having those opinions? Open your heart to love your fellow man, and watch what happens.
- - - - - - - Ra'anan
Tonny, why'd you have to go and mention me in an inflammatory post. Takes away from seeing my name in print...
rebecca...i never said that they have no positives. in fact, for NINETEEN years there was an arab protecting the yeshiva ateres kohanim. i hope HaShem gives/gave him a part in olam haba for that. i NEVER said there no are good arabs, of course there are, just like there are good yankee fans. just, not that many...
i never said anything about hate. i just stated what i saw. if i was in the christian quarter, i would've comlpained that there are christians in yerushalayim; if i was in the armenian q, i would've complained that there are armenians there. or would have i? i dont know, christians and armenians dont try to kill us everyday.
"Did all of Israels Arabs come to one spot just to single you out and say what they dont like about you beign there? No." [sic]
but im sure most of them would like to.
and i never said anything about killing them either--i only said about them not being there anymore.
"Just as all Jews do not believe the same things in terms of Torah, culture, history..."
um..all jews should believe the same things about torah. if we dont, then theres a problem (for example--it wasnt given by God. jews who don't believe that--have problems). history, how do ppl NOT believe the same things about history? history is fact. thats just stupid not believing a fact. and besides, if the history is of jews before the beginning era of the 2nd beis hamikdash (and after that, a little, like whatever the gemara brings), then thats the same thing as Torah. its written down, and whoever doesnt believe it has problems. im sure there are some jews who are very nice people, great neighbors, but they dont believe in the torah, thats problem.
dude 1: the sky is blue.
dude 2: no its not.
thats a fact that the sky is blue. you cant deny that.
and yeah, whatever etzem said--its true.
no, we definately didnt lose the beis hamikdash cuz of people like me--people who wish their enemies would stop killing us. no, i dont think so rebecca.
bracha...i wish it was so easy to show the whole world the Trueness of the Torah, and BH there are some arabs who, for some reason, just change, and start loving the Jews. but again, most of them dont.
no, i dont know who harold grinspoon is.
"We need not be selfish for the Jewish cause alone- We need to support all causes"
we dont need to support causes of people who try to kill us everyday. for example, the israeli government is giving hamas over $1.1 million for some odd reason--we dont need to do that. and we shoudlnt. that money is probably jsut going to go to weapons and bombs to kill us.
no sorry, i shoudlnt have said that. they're go for us and for fatah.
etzem...yeah, didnt need to add that rape part in there...
raanan...2 separate, yes equally important groups...? why are you bringing "law & order" into this? a tv show...? im so lost. chessed always, i got that. you're totally right. thats what i was tryign to say...
of course we have to be the "ohr lagoyyim," but we can be that still, and not be pushed over by everybody else at the same time, it is possible. whoda thunk?
ok, and what are you saying i have more experience that etzem? why are you bringing me into this? this time is only my 2nd time in israel, where the first time i was 3 years old. the etzem has been here more times than me, been to the arab quarter more times than me, so he actually has more experience than me.
and why bring in ima? you know exactly how she feels about this, and i think we both know its not like what you're saying...
and btw, you're saying to roth to stop calling ppl names? all he said was, "people like you." if memory serves, rebecca said that same exact thing to me...no, that rape thing wasnt necessary, but you get the idea.
besides, the etzem has love--he loves derek jeter, chris young (rhp sd padres), jessica simpson, and fransisco liriano (rhp minn twins) more than anybody in the whole world (except their family of course).
shout out dude...sorry, i just wanted to make sure i didnt forget. dont worry, ill fix it next time.
*fransisco liriano is a left-handed, not right-handed, pitcher.
Roth and Tonny, Even though
I agree more with your veiws than with Raanan and Rebecca's, you both need to stop insulting people, getting defensive and sarcastic every other word. It makes you both sound immature and so even though you might make reasonable points they get lost. And all 4 of you should stop insulting each other, both outrightly and subtly. Saying shame on you and blaming the loss of the beit hamikdash on someone is not all that better than calling someone a fool. Tonny, Torah sets itself up for differnt people to have diff beliefs, as long as they are all within a certain framework. Gemara is based on machloket l'shem shamayim. But that wasn't really anyones point. Ok, I'm done with my lecture. Tonny, it's nice to see you passionate about something.
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