Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Purim, B'nei B'rak, Arabs

Yeah, I haven't posted in a while except for Schimmelisms, but it's been crazy recently, with Purim, Shabbos in Tzfas (yes, I said Tzfas), today. All I'll say is that Purim was awesome, and that there was major self impressivage going on on Purim, learning the Megillah in about a day. I TOTALLY impressed myself there. Just like, hey, not bad. I mean, the reading wasn't the best, there were some parts where i forgot the trop and whatever, but it wasn't so bad if I do say so myself. Thank you Lord.
Today was crazy. We went to B'nei B'rak to see R' Chayyim Kanievsky (the Steipler's son), and R' Steinman. We got on the highway, and we got in mad traffic because these stupid Arabs decided, "Hey, let's go kill some Jews." And then they got caught (See what happens when you mess with us Jews?!?! Jeez, will they ever learn...?) (Oh, and yes this was the one on Highway 1 from Yerushalayim - Tel Aviv). On the highway, we saw a cop with a radar gun, but then we passed it, and saw it was fake. So in traffic, we were in a stand still, and then the cops told us to turn around, so we did, and we were driving on the left side of the road (I never thought I'd drive on the wrong side not in England). Then we saw a truck's cargo falling off the back. After that we were driving behidn a truck with cows on the back. Then we get to B'nei B'rak and R' Chayyim is napping. We get to R' Steinman, wait for him for 45 minutes, and we find out that the dude who said he set up the appointment, never really did. And then we came back. Crazy dude, just crazy. And Mordy is still sick here.
And Tzfas was awesome.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dude- either Tzfat or Safed- not what you wrote here!! Sounds like some good times, though.

Wed Mar 22, 02:54:00 AM 2006  
Blogger Dani B. said...

Boy that sounds like a lot of our meeting with gedolei hador my year. Tzfat is good. I don't get why same didn't like it.

Wed Mar 22, 06:20:00 AM 2006  
Blogger Karban Nesanel said...

tnspr...no actually, no safed. safed is just retarded. theres no way "tzfat" sounds anyway like safed.

dani b...hehe. yes yes, tzfat is great.

peggy...thank you thank you.

Thu Mar 23, 06:36:00 PM 2006  

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