Tuesday, February 21, 2006

I Think The Lion Is Still There

On Sunday the yeshiva took us on a one day tiyyul in the Beit Shemesh area, showing us that stuff actually did happen in our area. One of the places we went to was Beit Guvrin, which had an apmitheatre there. We went there, with our tour guide telling us about the Romans, and what they were trying to do to the Jews--trying to make us not follow the Torah anymore, get assimilated in the Roman culture. It represented the Roman culture, having guys being eaten by lions as entertainment.
Irony of Ironies, the Solomon Shechter group that was there at the same time as us, was davening Mincha as our tour guide was saying his shpiel. You ask, so what? Well, As being conservatives, they davened the conservative way: no mechitza, women leading the davening. I don't know if a girl was leading the davening or not, I don't remember, but I do remember that after Aleinu, a girl, who is an aveil (mourner) of about 2 and 1/2 weeks now, was saying Qaddish...by herself.

Interesting choice for Mincha, you think?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Could you be any more judgemental and closed minded?? What is the problem again? I didn't really get it. A girl saying kadish is the same as people being eaten by lions for entertainment how exactly?

Wed Feb 22, 09:46:00 AM 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OH NO!!!! a girl was saying kaddish, is there something wrong with that? And they weren't davening in a shul so techinically they didn't need a michitza. Try and look for the positive in other Jews. (at least they were davening)

Wed Feb 22, 05:32:00 PM 2006  
Blogger Schwarzmer Family said...

Dude - that's the *best* place to daven. Chassidut reminds us that davening is the ultimate form of conecting with HKB"H, because it is the one thing that we do that other forms of life (in the physical world) cannot actually do. So - she's *THANKING* HKB"H for letting her be there... in the ultimate *form* of thankfullness... in a place that Jews have lost their lives. If anything, **YOU** should have said "Baruch...She'asa Li Nays Ba'Makom Ha'zeh". As the Gemara says, "B'chol dor va'dor, chayav adam lir'ot et atzmo - k'ilu *HU* yatza mi'Mitzrayim. What better place than to go to the place of massacre where We gave our lives as a kiddush Hashem?

Brother, i'm not trying to say you're being too judgemental - if anything - take a 2nd look. By the way - Happy birthday. i tried to call you a few days ago, but your line went to VM.


Thu Feb 23, 04:38:00 AM 2006  

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