Wednesday, February 15, 2006

The Seeing Of A Gadol

Mr friend's parents are here in Israel visiting her for a little bit, and also because her father, already a rabbi, got another smicha in "issur veheter," kashrus pretty much. So they took the last test for the smicha, and after that, they all went to a slaughter house (as it relates to what they were learning, the whole process), and I was invited because I am learning shechita. So we went, and had a good time, and after we went to Har Nof, to daven at maariv at...R' Ovadyah Yosef's house, with a chance to meet him after. Earlier in the day, the group had been told by R' Ovadyah's gabbai that he wasn't feeling well, but he might take guests. In the end, he didn't but the person who set it up, made a few calls and when he got of fthe phone, he announced, "We have an appointment with him Wednesday night at 730."

Wow. I'm going to meet R" Ovadyah, probably the biggest gadol b'torah alive today.

Yesterday, it was just a spur of the moment type thing, like hey, let's go. It's obviosly not going to be like that, so I'm going to have to wear my Shabbos clothes to see him, which is a little annoying because I'm going to have to change into my basketball stuff (yeah I'm on the basketball team...Kehat: Hey look [at Tonny], he floats!), so I have to bring a bag and whatever, but really, to see R' Ovadyah, it's quite quite fine.

R' Wolicki also told me that it's a Sfardi custon that when we shake his hand, you have to kiss it. I was like that's awesome! I want to be Sfardi! He doesn't have a ring though...

Aight, laila tov y'all.


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