Monday, November 07, 2005

Ramblings Before...More Bed

Tonny: Hey Jordan.
Jordan: What's up?
Tonny: My temperature.

Yeah, I'm sick (don't worry, I just washed my hands, so it's ok I'm using the computer). This morning my temp was at 103. Yoni said that my thermometer must be broken, because if my temp was really 103, I wouldn't even be able to sit up. Sam said something, I forgot, but I think the opposite. I've been taking Advil (I looove Advil, all sugar-coated and stuff, it tastes soooo good!), and drinking water, and sleeping, and stuff. I took my temp around 1/2 an hour ago, and it was 99.4 I think, so BH it's going down.
In the "good news" portion, I got my techeiles and tied them yesterday during lunch. It's awesome, I'm so excited to have them. Yay mitzvos! And cool-looking tzitzis!
It's funny, I've seen Raavad techeiles, and they look really cool. I told that to Zsh, and he's like you're not supposed to make your decision on which way to tie them, because they look cool. But then I'm thinking, um, what are you smoking? The gemara says that it's supposed to look nice. Which of course is another way of saying that it looks cool. So like, maybe the fact that it looks cool should be tied into your decision at least a little bit. Whatever.
Aight, back to bed. Laila tov y'all.
And Happy 20th birthday to Talya. :-)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

refuah the way, today was my birthday...due to various reasons, i wasnt able to tell anyone...yeah, that sounds narcissistic, but alot of my friends in israel dont really know when my birthday is, since it just never comes up most of the least not after the big event from last year...

Tue Nov 08, 03:45:00 AM 2005  
Blogger Schwarzmer Family said...

Dude - How you tie your tzitzit can also make it look cool. Yes, Ra'avad or Rambam might look cool, so long as you make sure they're *NEAT* when you tie them... that's they kjey. The t'cheilet on my Shabbat talit look fine - because i tied them *neatly*. All thanx to Rabbi's Drebin and Stienberg. Hey - i'm mailing you some books. You'll like them.

Thu Nov 10, 11:04:00 PM 2005  

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